The Practical Trainer
This course will give you the training skills that you need so that your students not only learn, but also enjoy the process, retain information shared, and use their new skills back in the workplace.
Survival Skills for the New Trainer
Few people choose training and development while they are still in school, and yet there are talented and knowledgeable trainers working in every industry. If you are thinking about becoming a trainer, or have started doing some training already and want to know more about what will help you to become an excellent trainer, this course will help you start your journey.
Using Activities to Make Training Fun
Humor can help you make your training sessions just as engaging as fun social occasions. Even better, you dont need to be the class clown or an award-winning comedian to do it. This course will give you some easy ways to use activates and humor to make your training experiences fun and engaging.
Coaching and Mentoring
Coaching is based on a partnership that involves giving both support and challenging opportunities to employees. Mentorship is a related skill that is often a part of coaching. Its about being a guide, offering wisdom and advice when it is needed. This course will cover both of these essential skills.
Making Training Stick
We have all participated in training courses or workshops. Some of these have been helpful and useful in our everyday lives and others have seemed redundant and a waste of time. How often have we cheered or grumbled at being asked to participate in a training day? The good news is that all training can be useful and applicable if the trainer keeps some simple tips in mind when developing and applying training. We all learn differently, but there are some truths about learning that can be applicable to most groups and can be tweaked to fit any training session. This course will help you identify ways to make your training stickier for your students.
Women and Leadership: Owning Your Strengths and Skills
More and more women are gradually making their way into positions of power in the workplace. Taking this course will empower you to more fully explore your virtues as a potential leader while looking at various examples of powerful women, and conducting exercises to enhance your skills.
Public Speaking: Speaking Under Pressure
If you are a new speaker who feels nervous about the task at hand, or an experienced speaker who wants to learn more about being put on the spot, then this course is just for you. It focuses on speaking under pressure, which means being able to quickly organize your thoughts and being able to convey them meaningfully to your audience.
Developing Your Training Program
Successful training programs are meaningful, practical, and beneficial to both trainees and the organizations they work for. This course will give you a step-by-step guide for developing a great training program.
Measuring Training Results
Think back to the last training program that you conducted or attended. What did you learn from that course? How did you (or your students) apply the new skills back in the workplace? Can you tie those results directly back to the training program?
Developing a Training Need Analysis
Consider training programs that you have taken in the past. Did the skills that you learned benefit your organization? Did they help you do a better job? Did you even take anything beneficial away from the training at all? A training needs analysis can help your participants answer yes to all of these questions, and make sure that their time (and their organizations money) is well spent.
Training with Visual Storytelling
The National Center for Biotechnology Information estimates that the average humans attention span is about eight seconds. Thats a drop of 33% over the past 15 years. For trainers and public speakers, this means that we have less time than ever to catch our audiences attention, get them engaged, and ensure that they retain the information being shared.
Active Listening
Communication skills are at the heart of everything we do each day, whether at home, at work, or at play. This course focuses on active listening, which encompasses the best of communication.
Introduction to Neuro Linguistic Programming
In order to achieve results, you must master the art of bringing your unconscious thoughts to the surface. This course will give you the skills to do just that through neuro linguistic programming.
Facilitation Skills
With its focus on asking rather than telling, and listening to build consensus, facilitation is the new leadership ideal. This course will introduce you to this core competency and give you practical ways to apply it in the workplace.
Advanced Skills for the Practical Trainer
Behind every spectacular training session is a lot of preparation and meticulous attention to detail. The truly skilled trainer can make a program exciting! This course will teach you advanced skills that can help you take your training programs to the next level. We recommend that you complete The Practical Trainer before beginning this course.
Public Speaking: Presentation Survival School
A great presenter has two notable qualities: appropriate skills and personal confidence. This course will help you master the skills that will make you a better speaker. From there, youll develop the confidence that you need to become a great presenter.
Team Building: Developing High Performance Teams
Your success as a manager is heavily influenced by how well your team operates and what kind of results they achieve. This course will give you some ways to develop a high-performing team and get the results youre looking for.